Listen up, ladies.
A lot of messages have been coming in its not about saving or having
huge money in your account. Being in a relationship Is easy did I say easy? It
requires a lot of work ,work, work…….
Some ladies who wrote in said they couldn’t wait anymore. They’ve been
in their relationships for 3 years or more and they wanted their ring form
their man.
I am very sure you too have been waiting or don’t
want to wait for long, read along as I give you the tips.
UP: For
sure you have to open up you don’t have to be scared, talk about it and you
will get to see what is in his mind. But before I continue, let me give you one
asking tip that have always work for others. You don’t just pop up the question
when are we going to get married it scares him away. I have had experience like
that too so you are not the only one in the shit. I too have been there and
gone out so I am writing from experience.
For sure, the
two of you talk about the future you envision for yourselves. Like how many
kids you want to raise; what place to live in; what kind of house you want to
purchase jointly, among other questions.
If he is the kind of guy who is not afraid to talk
about these things, you’re in luck. Because when the two of you get to have
these conversations, then you’re likely to talk about the issue of marriage
without any uneasiness from the other. Now, if somehow the opportunity to talk
about it evades you both, control the conversation and subtly steer it in that
Now say this: look for his weakness before you
Single Guys Weakness is always
After you must have known his weakness you ask him
in that direction
You don’t just ask him when you want, make sure a
conversation concerning one of the weakness above is what is been discussed
Maybe when you are talking about going out to buy
food you just pop up this question
Honey when you will get married so you can stop
buying food from the restaurant?He must give an answer and a reason,
If he hides it from you then you are with the wrong
But before your question can work for you, you need
to know what you shouldn’t do for him.

Sometimes ago when I asked my counselor for some relationship advice, he said, “Honestly, the moment I stopped trying to find the right man, and started trying to become the right woman I would get what I wanted.
The bottom line is that every single one of our
relationships starts within us. When we
are down-to-earth with ourselves, we make our interactions with others simple
. When we stop doing the wrong things
and start doing the right things, our relationships get a lot easier.
Which means it’s time to…?
Start accepting and embracing your flaws. – Once
you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you. Love yourself! Forgive yourself! Accept yourself! You are YOU and that’s the beginning and the
end… no apologies, no regrets.
Stop looking to others for the love and respect
only you can give yourself. – Self-respect, self-worth, and self-love. There’s a reason they all start with
“self.” You can’t receive them from
anyone else.
Stop comparing and competing every second. –
Take one step at a time and don’t compare your progress with that of
others. We all need our own time to
travel our own distance. Remember this,
and give others the space to do the same.
Start letting others be exactly who they are. –
Remember, a great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the
similarities, and second, respecting the differences.
Stop being insensitive. – Always be kinder than
you feel. Yes, be way kinder than
necessary. You never know what someone
is going through. If you cannot speak a
kind word, say nothing at all.
Start showing your love. – Don’t just say it;
let your actions speak too. Showing
someone you care is wonderful, and it’s easy.
Sometimes the smallest act of love can take up the greatest space in
someone’s heart. To make someone happy,
give them three things: attention, affection, and appreciation.
Stop judging. – The more you judge, the less you
see and love. It’s easy to look at
people and make quick judgments about them – their present and their past – but
you’d be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides. What a person shows to the world is only one
tiny tip of the iceberg hidden from sight.
And more often than not, it’s lined with cracks and scars that go all
the way to the foundation of their soul.
Never judge; learn to respect and acknowledge the feelings of
Start acting like what you do makes a
difference. – You are needed. You
matter. Always go above and beyond for
those who need you most. In a world full
of people who couldn’t care less, be someone who couldn’t care more.
Stop letting one dark cloud obliterate the whole
sky. – Don’t sweat the small stuff today.
Don’t let stupid little daily frustrations interfere with your
relationships. Just do the best you
can. Live simply. Love generously. Speak honestly. Work diligently. Then let go and let what’s meant to be, BE.
Start doing what’s right for YOU too. –
Remember, if you care too much about what other people think, in a way, you
will always be their prisoner. You can’t
live your entire life for someone else.
Sometimes you’ve got to do what’s right for you, even if someone you
care about disagrees.
Stop needing to always be right. – Sometimes we
must choose to be wrong, not because we really are wrong, but because we value
our relationship more than our pride.
Start asking yourself: “Will this hurt someone I
care about in any way?” – The bottom line is that you can’t keep hurting
someone over and over and expect them to love and respect you.
Stop focusing on outer beauty all the time. –
Focus on inner beauty. In the end, people
are not as beautiful as they look, walk, or talk. They are only as beautiful as they love, as
they care, and as they share. Also, a
little formula to keep in mind for yourself: Self + Confident + Honesty =
Start noticing the little things. – Pay extra
close attention to those you care about.
It’s nice when a friend remembers every tiny detail about you. Not because you keep reminding them, but
because they pay attention and care.
Stop pressuring others into things, or putting
up with those who pressure you. – Be patient.
Let people decide for themselves.
Being willing to wait is a sign of true love and friendship. Anyone can say that they care about you, but
not everyone will wait for you.
Start using your voice to lift others up. – Let
your voice inspire people every day so much that they think to themselves, “I’m
so lucky; I have such a good life.” Let
your voice be the thing that lights a fire in others, and keeps them going even
when it hurts. Let your voice to be the
one they hear in their dreams that tells them, you are so loved, you are so
wanted, you are a special gift, and you are worthy.
Stop taking things personally. – Whatever
happens in a relationship, however people behave; just don’t take things too
personally. Nothing other people do is
because of you; it’s because of them.
Their actions are a direct result of their thoughts, feelings, and
emotions. (Start letting honest mistakes
slide. – Lots of relationships fail because we spend more time pointing out
each other’s mistakes and not enough time enjoying each other’s company. So remember that EVERYONE makes mistakes… If
you can’t forgive others, don’t expect others to forgive you.
Stop being dramatic. – Spend less time gossiping
about problems and more time helping yourself and others solve them. Stay out of people’s needless drama and don’t
create your own.
Start forgiving yourself for the pain you caused
in the past. – People can be more forgiving than you can imagine, but you have
to forgive yourself too. Let go of
what’s bitter and move on.
Stop letting your expectations get in the way of
your love. – Love is simply friendship without unjust expectations. It is a quiet understanding, a mutual
confidence, and a commitment to sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad
times. It settles for less than
perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.
Start being honest about how you feel. –
Remember, being honest might not always get you a lot of friends, but it will
always get you the right ones.
Stop spending time with those who continuously
belittle you.– Don’t let anyone make you feel that you don’t deserve the good
things happening in your life. You
deserve to be happy. You deserve to live
a life you are excited about. Don’t let
anyone make you forget that. Surround
yourself with people who make you a better person – those who inspire you to be
your best self.
Start giving yourself all the approval you need.
– Say it: “I am who I am and your approval isn’t needed.” Just be yourself and let the right people
love the real you. Find people who
respect you as much as you respect them.
Be with those who are happy and proud to have you just the way you are.
Stop saying “yes” when you want to say “no.” –
You can’t always be agreeable; that’s how people take advantage of you. Sometimes you have to set clear
boundaries. (Angel and I discuss this in
detail in the “Relationships” chapter of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful
People Do Differently.)
Start communicating clearly. – Don’t try to read
other people’s minds, and don’t make other people try to read yours. Most problems, big and small, within a
family, friendship, or business relationship, start with bad communication. Someone isn’t being clear.
Stop making it all about YOU. – The most successful
people in the most successful relationships are looking for ways to help
others. The most unsuccessful people are
still asking, “What’s in it for me?”
Start living with 100% integrity. – Don’t
Be faithful. Be kind.
Do the right thing! It is a less
complicated way to live. Integrity is
the essence of everything successful.
When you break the rules of integrity you invite serious complications
into your life. Keep life simple and
enjoyable by doing what you know in your heart is right.
And finally, remember that good relationships don’t just
happen; they take time, patience, commitment, and two people who truly want to
work to be together.
The floor is yours…
What has helped you uncomplicated your relationships? Or… Which of the tips above do you need to
work on? Leave a comment below and share
your thoughts and insights.
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